*Flying through clouds -- Actuael and Clinton wooshing through some clouds. I like the CG and the flow of the clouds (yet I am unsatisfied), and the song in the background is "Call Me Call Me" from Cowboy Bebop, a song I like muchly.
*Clinton, Actuael and Truman -- Truman is all grown up! Aw! A quickly doodled thing, but I spent forever on the CG, despite it's messy look. I like it a lot.
*The first sketches of Actuael! -- I was in an art class and there was a picture of a horse, thus she's riding a horse in one of the sketches. XD While coloring it, I thought it'd be funny that she's a demon and so naturally attracted to red, but her Aero Folk colors turn out to be BLUE.
*Actuael sketches 2 -- Truman is all grown up! Aw! A quickly doodled thing, but I spent forever on the CG, despite it's messy look. I like it a lot.
*Actuael sketches 3
SPOILERS are in this. But the question to ask is "Does it matter if she never does it?"
I like skipping ahead and thinking of sequels or something. XD While I usually don't like sequels, Aero Child is a story that asks for it. Well . . . it would if I ever finished it. But seeing as AC was planned for only 4 "chapters," as it were, there is a lot more room for more stories. But I wanted to do something with new characters.
The story basically goes like this: While everything with the original AC cast is going on, a sex demon named Actuael is doing her duty on Earth. One day, an insane man caught her and a man together and declared that he would kill the demon. He thought that the man was the demon, but he missed and killed Actuael instead. She awoke on a new planet and as, of course, a baby. A man and a woman found her and recognized her Aero Folk traits, except she also had horns and goat’s feet, which isn’t usual for an Aero Folk . . . They cared for her until, a few years later, she reached the power level of a child and so she could walk and talk. She leaves them and goes in search of a way to get off the planet, under the pseudonym Megumi. While looking for this fabled space ship that landed on the planet hundreds of years ago, she finds and reactivates a cat cyborg—Clinton. He knows of the space ship she speaks of, because he was the one riding in it. It was an escape pod. He offers to help her if she’d help him find the Aero Folk council where he knew Truman would be, and thus so might his friend Max and siblings be.
Things happen, Actuael grows more, blah blah. It’s all sketchy now, but over the course of time, Actuael and Clinton grow . . . close. Eventually they find their way to the council where they meet Truman, now a grown man and in charge of the entire Aero Folk council. He tells them some bad news . . . in Earth times, a couple hundred of years have passed. Beez and Trigger are still lost, and, obviously, Dudley and Max (who Truman had with him) are dead. This, of course, upsets Clinton, but he vows to find his siblings and Actuael promises to aide him.
So basically, this entire thing is a . . . emotional one. It’s still funny, but it’s more adventurous than the original AC was planned to be. It also deal more with the interactions between the characters. Clinton, who was always so distant and aloof, falls in love with an Aero Folk, which works out in the way he can live for a long time along with her, but . . . you know, he’s a ROBOT. And here is Actuael, who is determined to get back to Earth to continue her soul-stealing for Satan, is trapped between the duties she feels she has as an Aero Folk and as a demoness, and she also falls in love, which a sex demon really shouldn’t do.
But the saddest thing is Truman. Here he had the one thing he cared about most, Max, and Max ages and dies while Truman stays continually young. Truman, even all those years later, is haunted by this loss. He also suffers the feelings of doing good while his first nature was to be bad.
But the overall plot is the development of Actuael as an Aero Folk, as AC1 was about Truman.
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