OTHERS STUFF!!!@w@!: Something! & LK.COM! & Boussole! & Ugly Shit! & Aero Child! & Send me love! & Or sign this!

Making Fun of YOU! follows the adventures of Kasey and I as we stand there talking. It's really simple, really crude, and really really funny. It was updating MWF, but now it's being forced on hiatus 'coz there's no way I can make these comics at home. It'll be back in August!


First comic Previous comic

MAR Apr 2003
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27 28 29 30 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Making Fun of YOU started out as a random little thing. It was just gonna be a couple of pages long and was gonna make fun of South Park fangirls who use this generator to make themselves into South Park kids, or create their own lame-assed South Park kids. But immediatly after the first page I knew I could have so much fun poking fun at EVERYONE, not just the South Park lamers (like so totally), so I just continued on.

Making Fun of YOU! is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.